At those speeds, A Colorado pulls a high RPM, and it actually generates some lift. You also don't have to let as much line out. They ride tighter to the bottom, to tight at slow speeds, but just right around 1.7-1.8. They turn at a lower RPM, and because of that, they ride lower in the water column. If your boat, or the wind, whatever, forces you to troll above 1.5, switch over to an Indiana. You want to use Hatchets at slow speeds, and Indianas at high speeds.
I can't remember who mentioned it, but if your boat won't troll slow enough, here's a tip to consider. All u do is tie up snells, with all different bead combinations, wrap em up in your storage method of choice, pick your blade when you get to the spot, and your ready to rock. Once you switch to quick changes, (and if you tie as many rigs as I do, I troll spinners ALOT) it's just about impossible to ever switch back.
I use to be an old fashioned, solid metal clevis guy.
But I rarely use a standard Colorado, the majority of my blades are deep cup Colorados. For me personnally, size 4 colorado blades on LSC.